Remembering Archbishop Conti
The interfaith community in Scotland has lost a friend and champion in the death of Archbishop Mario Conti on 8th November 2022. Archbishop Mario had an open ecumenical outlook from his early years and for decades was involved in the ecumenical movement which, in 1990, gave rise to a new ecumenical instrument called Action of Churches Together in Scotland. He came later to the work of interfaith relations when in 2006 the Bishops’ Conference set up a committee for interreligious dialogue and he became both President and chair. At first, he was cautious, asking for advice and help in how to address people of other faiths, what was appropriate dress, what was expected when visiting places of worship etc. but he embraced the whole interfaith adventure as he had done the ecumenical one and soon felt at ease in his relationship with people of other faiths. This was because of his innate charm, friendliness, and out-going manner which drew people to him and made them feel at ease in his presence. He was loved within the interfaith world and many of our sisters and brothers in faith have phoned, texted or emailed to express their deep sorrow at his death and to pass on their condolences to the catholic community. All of them mentioned his charm, friendliness, wisdom, and clarity of thought.
Hospitality was a hallmark of Archbishop Mario and for many years, indeed until Covid stopped it, he hosted a reception for faith communities which was not only well attended but was considered an important event in the interfaith calendar. He was often advised at these gatherings not to let them go. Archbishop Mario was quick to accept invitations to visit places of worship, to meet with faith communities, to talk at important events such as the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Bah’a’ullah, to meet visiting dignitaries and to engage in dialogues such as the current one the committee for interreligious dialogue has with Ahl alBait Scotland, a Shiah Muslim group. Together we have studied the document on Human Fraternity for Peace in Our World and never did Archbishop Mario come to a meeting of that group unprepared. He was supportive of all the work of the committee and contributed to our annual colloquium which was intended to educate the Catholic community in the faith of others as well as interfaith issues. As well as this he participated in national interfaith events such as Holocaust Memorial Day, the twice annual meetings of the Scottish religious leaders Forum and the First Minister’s Annual Interfaith Symposium. His contribution was greatly respected, especially if he spoke his mind and was not limited by a government agenda.
Archbishop Mario was a good friend to me, both as an individual and as the secretary for interreligious dialogue. He supported me in good times and was always there to lend a listening ear and offer advice in difficult times - and there were some of those. We attended many events together and never did he fail to thank me or fail to show his appreciation for my work and contribution to interfaith relations in Scotland. We had good conversations, not always agreeing but respecting one another and his sense of humour made him very easy to be with. He has now entered the realm of the ancestors and has joined a small body of people who have gone before us in Scotland and continue to give those of us involved in interfaith relations the confidence to continue in their footsteps.
May his memory be a blessing to us all and an inspiration for the future of interfaith work within the Scottish Catholic Church and this nation.
From Interfaith Scotland
Dear Sr Isabel and friends on the Bishops Committee for Inter-religious Dialogue - may I express our deepest sympathy at the passing of our much loved friend and ardent interfaith supporter, Archbishop Mario Conti, the Emeritus Archbishop of Glasgow. Archbishop Conti served on the Scottish Religious Leaders' Forum for well over a decade and always brought to the table his deep spiritual wisdom, his innate friendliness and compassionate nature and he will be deeply missed.
Myself, as Director of Interfaith Scotland, have on so many occasions spent enjoyable hours with Archbishop Conti - we shared the same love for our home town of Elgin and of course the same love for Interfaith dialogue and engagement.
Over the many years of engagement with Archbishop Conti representatives of many faith communities also enjoyed his annual Interfaith Reception where his natural hospitable nature was evident.
The Board of Interfaith Scotland also send their sympathy to the wider Catholic Community. Board members of Interfaith Scotland are as follows:
Linsay Taylor (from the Muslim Community)
Rita Docherty (from the Baha'i Community)
Susan Siegal (from the Jewish Community)
Mirella Yandoli (from the Christian Community)
Nicola Maule (from the Buddhist Community)
Dr. Inderjit Singh (from the Sikh Community)
Srihari Vallabhajousula (from the Hindu Community)
It is my honour to send this message of condolence on their behalf and we would humbly ask that we might be kept informed of the date of his funeral.
Kind regards - Maureen
Azhar Hussain
Dearest Sr Isabel and the Scottish Catholic Church,
We, my wife Ishrat, my Son Ali Abbas and I, wanted to share our deepest condolences to you and the Roman Catholic Church on the passing of His Grace Archbishop Conti. His Grace will be remembered by our communities across Scotland and over, for his indomitable service. He was a father figure to us all and a great friend to our Shia communities. Over the years we have been fortunate to have had many occasions spending spiritual and joyous moments together with his Grace, in fact just a few weeks back, we enjoyed some lunch together at our SABS/GGG Partnership launch; such an amazing person; he will be missed by us all.
May he rest in Eternal Peace.
Fariha Thomas
I just wanted to say how sad I was to hear of the death of Emeritus Archbishop Mario Conti. He will be sadly missed for his wisdom and gentle manner.
Ephraim Borowski
we were very sorry to hear this morning's news about Abp Conti. As you know, we were always very grateful for his friendship and support, so please do pass on condolences as appropriate, and please could you let me know to whom we should send a formal letter.
Fiona and Howard Brodie
Fiona and I were very sorry to hear about Archbishop Conti's passing.
When we met him at interfaith and when he came to our shul he was always friendly and interested in what we were doing. (Although he did complain about the length of one of our services! Probably quite rightly!)
We know he was a source of wisdom and was well loved by you and within the Catholic Church.
We'd like to wish you, his family and his friends long life, free from further sorrow. (As we say in the Jewish tradition)
Kind regards
John Bremner
Just a brief note of condolence on the death of Mario Conte. You worked with him on interfaith relations for a number of years, and probably knew him well when he was archbishop, and you will be feeling his loss, even if you didn’t always see eye to eye!
He contributed a lot, over many years, both to ecumenical advances and to interfaith relations, and there will be many who will be sorry at his passing.
Please let me know of details of any thanksgiving service.
Cedric Blakey
So sorry to hear of the sudden death of Archbishop Mario. I will always be grateful for the kindness, support and wisdom he offered me. And it was so generous of him to attend my retirement service four years ago. So I have many memories today.
Margaret Boland
Just heard of Mario's death and sending you love and condolences. My memories of him are combined with memories of Christine Davis - when he attended her memorial service and even earlier when Christine and I got Mario up for the Dashing White Sergeant at a gathering in Milngavie!
A lovely man.
End of an era.
Alan Kay
I have just heard the sad news that Archbishop Emeritus of Glasgow, Mario Conti, has died. Can you please pass on my condolences. I have fond memories of the many times I met with him and his loss will be felt widely.
With great sorrow
Allan Forsyth
Dear Bishop McGee,
The Baha’i Council for Scotland was very saddened to hear of the passing of Archbishop Mario Conti, Archbishop Emeritus of Glasgow.
In a life filled with prayerful service to others his contribution to the development of Interfaith relations in Scotland were a significant part. He will be remembered by all those who worked with him in Interfaith for his compassion, friendliness, humour and integrity. He was a good friend to the Baha’i community and his annual letter of greeting to our community at our New Year was always warm and thoughtful. He will be particularly remembered for giving a wonderful keynote address at the Glasgow celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Baha’u’llah, founder of the Baha’i Faith.
On behalf of the Baha’i community of Scotland please pass on our sincere condolences to the Bishops Conference of Scotland and our prayers for our dear departed friend
Yours faithfully
Allan Forsyth
Baha’i Council for Scotland
Rabbi Rubin
The Archbishop was a man of God who unashamedly carried his faith on his sleeve.
From when I was appointed as Rabbi to my community and began joining the various interfaith groups I’ve had the privilege of observing the late Archbishop. His belief in God was not just an abstract belief but a practical and everyday way of living. He brought God into every area of life whether it was a discussion about the Environment or whether it was how to make peoples everyday life more meaningful. He was a strong voice for equality and fairness to all and he was a strong advocate for finding ways for society to live in peace.
I remember many years ago having a debate about a certain issue and I was impressed how he showed respect to the other peoples views and how acknowledged those views even if he didn’t agree with them.
His passing is big loss to the Catholic community, interfaith community and to society in general
Please pass on my condolences to his family and the Catholic community which he led.
We pray for his soul ascend in peace.
Rabbi Moshe Rubin - Giffnock Synagogue & Senior Rabbi of Scotland
Rita Docherty
Hari and I were so sad today to hear of the passing of Archbishop Mario Conti. A lovely gentle soul who welcomed us and those of many other Faiths with warmth and humanity.
Thanks to you dear Isabel we had the privilege of meeting him.
Warmest love to you and loving prayers and condolences to all Rita..
Sharon Mail
I've just read the very sad news of the passing of Archbishop Conti, who was so highly respected in Scotland.
I extend my deepest condolences to his family and to the Catholic community in Glasgow.
Kindest regards
Srihari Vallabhajousula
Please accept my condolences on the passing of Archbishop Conti.
Even though I never had the opportunity to meet him in person, I am deeply grateful for his contributions to the interfaith efforts.
Azzam Mohammed
Dear Friends
It was with great sadness we learned of the passing of his eminence Emeritus Archbishop Mario Conti.
A colossus for the Catholic but also wider community and a consummate gentleman that we developed a strong relationship with over the years. We will always remember his warmth, intelligence and wit as he charmed us over a variety of interfaith private and public events and functions.
We send our deepest condolences to his immediate and wider family as well as our love and thoughts at this time.
Azzam Mohamad and all at Ahl Al Bait Society.
Else – Interfaith Scotland
I am sorry hear about the passing of Archbishop Conti. A great soul has departed, but his love and legacy will live forever.
SS Chowdhary MBE
We are so sorry for the loss of archbishop Conti. and we pray for the blessing of his Soul.
God bless
Evy Yedd
Dear Isabel,
The pain for yourself and all Catholic people of Scotland and across the world must be intense because loosing such a great and inspirational leader The Most Reverend Mario J Conti is unbearable. His pure soul and his work in bringing light into our world lives on through those he touched with his spirit of loving kindness and respect for all.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We send a letter to you and all at the Archdiocese of Glasgow, yesterday I posted a paper copy.
Please stay strong and stay safe, and please let me know if there is anything Rabbi Rubin, Timothy Lovat as President, myself or indeed the Jewish Community can do to help. We are with you during your time of great sadness.
We stand beside you during this time of tragedy. Tough times just got a lot sadder for West of Scotland Catholic people losing your beloved Emeritus Archbishop and leader and we send you our deepest condolences
Lama Yeshe
Dear Sister Isabel,
I was very sorry to hear about Archbishop Conti passing away. He was the most wonderful and likeable person.
My health has not been so good recently and I haven't been able to attend the Religious Leaders' Meetings for some time. So I won't be able to pay my respects to the Archbishop tomorrow but I do wish him well and will remember him in my prayers.
I send you very best wishes,
Lama Yeshe
Jewish Representative Council
To: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Glasgow,
196 Clyde Street, Glasgow, G1 4JY.
10th November, 2022.
Dear Sister Isabel,
It is with immense sadness and heavy heart that I am writing to you on behalf of Jewish Community leaders and Jewish citizens of Glasgow to offer our most sincere condolences, to all at the Diocese, the Catholic people of Glasgow and beyond, and all family of The Late Most Reverend Mario J Conti, Emeritus Archbishop of Glasgow.
His Grace was such an inspirational leader to your people and beyond, his warmth and humility towards all peoples and his contribution to Interfaith relations was immense. He has made a real impact forever being a shining example to us all, as the champion of Interreligious Dialogue.
He was not afraid to voice his views in a liberal world for traditional values and principles. He always heard the cries of the less fortunate in society and did something about it. Scotland has lost a truly special man.
The thoughts and prayers of the Jewish people of Glasgow are with you at the passing of The Late Emeritus Archbishop Conti of Glasgow.
Yours sincerely,
Timothy Lovat
President, Glasgow Jewish Representative Council.
Salvation Army
I write in the absence of Lieut. Col. Carol Bailey, who is away due to a family bereavement, to express The Salvation Army’s condolences on the passing of Archbishop emeritus Mario Conti.
We have taken note of the arrangements for the reception of the body at the Cathedral this evening, and I intend to be present.
David Cavanagh
Assistant Secretary for Scotland