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COP 26 Interfaith Vigil

On Saturday October 31st 2021 Bishop McGee and other members of the Committee attended the Interfaith Ceremony to open the COP26 Climate Summit.

Bishop McGee's message to mark the event is as follows:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches that we are to love God with all our being and our neighbour as ourselves. These two emphases of love are not opposed but intertwined. Authentic love of God leads us out from selfishness to loving service of others which in turn deepens our love for God.

COP26 began in Glasgow today but has this any link to our discipleship? Love of God must surely involve reverence for what the divine has created and therefore a commitment to cooperate with the Creator. All creation is the wonderful work of God but creation’s crowning glory is humanity. How can we turn a blind eye to our countless neighbours across the globe whose lives are being destroyed and even lost?

Last week Pope Francis reminded us that the ecological crisis also presents an opportunity to build more just societies. Understandably most attention has been placed on politicians and their duty to reach sufficient, concrete decisions but the Pope also reminded us that every person needs conversion and that each individual has a contribution to make.

This afternoon I participated in an an Inter Faith Vigil in George Square, Glasgow. Although we came from distinct traditions we are all God’s children and so brothers and sisters. We prayed for the success of COP26 and we’re united in our desire that people of faith might better radiate love of God and neighbour.

May God abundantly bless you,


Read a report on the vigil and other interfaith events in The 'National Catholic Reporter'.

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