Glasgow Catholic Schools Interfaith Visits

Since August 2019, S2 pupils have been exploring the importance of Scottish Interfaith Week in partnership with the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art.

The 15 pupils from Notre Dame, Holyrood and St Roch’s have been exploring the theme of this year’s event ‘Eat, Share, Love' through learning and object handling sessions at the museum, group discussions and visits to places of workshop including Garnethill Synagogue where they enjoyed a kosher lunch.

In October the group visited both the Glasgow Hindu Mandir and Cultural Centre and the Sikh Central Singh Sabha Gurdwara.

The pupils response to the project has been overwhelmingly positive and they are all now are eagerly planning events within their own school communities to mark Scottish Interfaith Week drawing inspiration from these interfaith encounters.

Our thanks to Harry Dunlop, Learning and Access Curator, Glasgow Museums, for organising these events.


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