2025 Symposium

Annual Symposium

Friday 7th March to Saturday 8th March 2025

In the Conforti Centre in Coatbridge

“The role and importance of Interreligious Dialogue in Catholic Peacebuilding Locally, Nationally and Globally"

This is a faith formation opportunity for members of the Catholic community interested in or active in the work of Interreligious Dialogue.

Keynote Speaker 2025

Martha Inés Romero

Martha Romero

Martha Inés Romero was appointed Secretary General of Pax Christi International, the global Catholic movement for peace and nonviolence from1 January 2023.

Based in Colombia, Martha Inés has served Pax Christi International for over 15 years, including a term in the international board. She is currently the regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean. She has continued in this role as she also takes up her duties as Secretary General.

Martha Inés describes herself as a "humble life-long learner," and brings a rich depth of experience working throughout the Americas and with global partners. She studied conflict transformation at the Kroc Institute for Peace (USA) and was a member of the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. She has contributed to the transformation of Catholic teaching through promoting a culture of peace, nonviolence, and reconciliation, first with Catholic Relief Services, contributing to the Caritas Internationalis network, and then with Pax Christi International, through participation in synodal processes and the Laudato Si' Action Platform.

She is both ecumenically and interfaith minded and works with partners across the civil society for dialogue and cooperation within communities across Latin America and the Caribbean. Her previous experience is in the aid sector, where she held international roles at OXFAM Great Britain and CRS.



  1. Martha Ines Romero – Secretary General of Pax Christi International

Keynote speech and discussion on symposium theme

“The role, importance and challenge of Interreligious Dialogue in Catholic peacebuilding locally, nationally and globally.”


2. Dr Maureen Sier – Director of Interfaith Scotland

 “Interreligious Dialogue in Scotland: The experience of Difficult Dialogues and Journeys of Peace and Reconciliation among  Scottish Faith Communities.”

3. Lived Experience Discussion:

Reflection on the role of IRD in promoting non-violence

4. Panel Discussion

Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Bahai and Catholic Voices speaking of Peace in the beliefs of each tradition followed by Panel Discussion

 Start: 5.30pm Friday 7th March                      Finish: 3.30pm Saturday 8th March

Availability and Cost

There are 22 residential places available and 22 non-residential places available:

Residential Cost per person: £75

This includes your Friday evening meal, single room accommodation with en-suite bathroom and shower facilities and Saturday breakfast and lunch.

Non-residential participants £30

This includes your Friday evening meal and lunch on Saturday.

Tea and coffee are available throughout the event.

To reserve your place:

Contact the Interfaith Officer Joe Sikora: joseph.sikora@bcos.org.uk

Payment: By cash or card on arrival

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