October 2022

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Remembering Stella Reekie

An afternoon of remembering, held at St Mungo Museum, 2 October 2022, by Sr Isabel Smyth SND

There was a real sense of celebration last Sunday, 2nd October, when the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art held its first interfaith event since the closure of the museum during the Covid pandemic. Glasgow City Council had suggested that it might not open the museum again but rather it would seek ways of finding another promoter such as Historic/Environment Scotland to take it over. There was an outcry from all those who appreciated the importance of the Museum, particularly the faith communities who for decades had found it a safe space for dialogue. The campaign, spearheaded by Interfaith Glasgow, led eventually to its opening which in itself was a cause for celebration. This first event, focussing on the life of Stella Reekie and the work of the International Flat, brought together 69 people, many who had worked with Stella in Glasgow, some who had worked with her in Pakistan and some who knew very little or nothing of her life and work. There was a lot of buzz, chatter, laughter as people renewed friendships and shared memories. The event captured the spirit of The Flat, even to the extent that we had to buy more cake for tea.

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Click the image to open ‘Testimony’, a school resource on the life of Stella Reekie

The reason for the focus on Stella Reekie was that this year, 2022, was the 100th anniversary of her birth and the 40th anniversary of her death and it seemed an appropriate moment to remember and celebrate her. Stella was born on 29th July 1922, the youngest of eight children in Gravesend, Kent and died in Glasgow on 28th September 1982. Her life had been one of service. As a young woman she had joined the Red Cross so that she could work with refugees in Europe. It was this that led to her being present at the liberation of Bergen – Belsen, something she never talked about, but the horror of that experience must have seared her soul. That and the experience of working with refugee children caused her to reflect on the inhumanity of life without Christ and, as she herself admitted, it was this that led her to sail from Liverpool in 1951 to join the Church of West Pakistan.

There are many stories about her work in Pakistan – her popularity and readiness to help with all sorts of problems, her wonderful capacity for communication even when her understanding and knowledge of Urdu was rather shaky, her work with women and children, her indefatigable visiting of homes and villages and something that seems to have characterised her all her life – her ability to exist on little sleep. There were two colleagues from Pakistan present at our celebration in St Mungo’s. One had been a Pakistani pastor with whom Stella worked closely and the other a Scottish missionary also in Pakistan at that time. She told a story of how she would visit Stella in Gujerat, and Stella would always drive her to the bus for her journey home. The only flaw in that plan was that Stella was always late because she was busy about many things but insisted on the lift. This then meant Stella driving at breakneck speed after the bus until she had overtaken it, causing it to halt so that her friend could then board it.

Stella Reekie and friends at the International Flat

After seventeen years as a missionary Stella returned to Scotland and was eventually employed by the Home Board of the Church of Scotland as a community worker, working with the large number of immigrants who had come to Scotland in the 1950’s and 60s, mostly from India and Pakistan. It was at this point she became a deaconess, working in community relations from her own home in Belmont St. Glasgow. In 1972 she went to live in 20 Glasgow St. which had been bought by the Church of Scotland as a centre for her work. This then became the International Flat, a centre for immigrants, especially women who at that time had little opportunity for life outside the family. She organised English classes, cookery and sewing classes, meals for the wives of overseas students, summer play schemes for children in the area. She helped the new Scots cope with the bureaucracy involved in finding accommodation, employment etc. She welcomed everyone to the Flat which became a centre of hospitality and developed friendships which, as our celebration showed, have stood the test of time.

Most of the people present at St Mungo’s on 2nd October had known Stella through the International Flat and her work in establishing the first interfaith group in Scotland. Stella was convinced that new citizens would only be accepted and integrated into the wider community if that community knew something of their faith. So, the Glasgow Sharing of Faiths held monthly meetings when a member of a major world faith would give a talk on their faith, answer questions, provide food and give time for small group discussions. Each year there was a Presentation of Faiths in a prestigious public building for three full days which allowed school children to visit and learn and adults to be entertained by groups such as the Jewish Male Voice Choir. This was a time when the teaching of world religions was being introduced into the religious education syllabus, with very few published resources so the meetings and events of the Sharing of Faiths became a focus for teachers trying to come to terms with world faiths and make contact with places of worship.

stella St Mungo
Canon David Lawson, Mrs Brij Gandhi, Sr Isabel Smyth, Mr George Ballentyne

Three people, Canon David Lawson, Mrs Brij Gandhi and Mr George Ballentyne, all members of that first Sharing of Faiths committee shared their memories of Stella and her interfaith work. David recalled how he lived very near the International Flat and often, especially after meetings, Stella would phone and invite him round for coffee. Sometimes this was to reflect on a meeting they had both been at and which had reached a decision which was not quite what Stella would have wanted. How were they to put it right? These conversations and coffees lasted into the wee small hours which never disturbed Stella who could exist on very little sleep.

 Brij had got to know Stella through her parents when she visited them from Kenya and was even encouraged by Stella to do some voluntary work in the Flat during those visits. When Brij and her family moved to Glasgow, Brij became a member of the Sharing of Faiths and worked with Stella at the Flat. She remembered how much Stella asked of her even when she reminded Stella that she had a husband and young children to look after.  It was part of Stella’s genius/ charism (?) that she was able to involve people beyond what they were prepared to give and believed possible. As Maxwell Craig, the chair of the Sharing of Faiths said in the booklet published after her death,” That she did so successfully time and time again was part of the miracle”.  

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Stella at the International Flat

George had become involved in the work of the Flat when he was asked to represent the Glasgow Bahá’ís on the Sharing of Faiths committee. He recalls his first meeting when, as a naïve Baha’i he thought people would respond to his involvement by becoming Baha’is, he found himself siting with someone who had been in the concentration camps; someone who had lived through the Partition of India; others who had endured pestilence, famine, and war – whose faith had been, literally, a matter of life and death for them. While interested in interfaith George expressed his gratitude to Stella who had shown him how to live it. It was her model, her example that set the tone and direction for most of his adult life, right down to the kind of jobs he had done.

This sense of gratitude was echoed by many at the celebration, especially David and Brij as well as Sr Isabel who had chaired this time of remembering. Interfaith had become a spiritual adventure for all of them and they had all been involved in it in some way or other ever since those early days of the Sharing of Faiths. They saw their work as part of the legacy of Stella who forty years after her death was remembered with affection and thankfulness. When Stella died in 1982 the Glasgow Sharing of Faiths was the only inter faith group in Scotland. Now there are 20 local groups, including Interfaith Glasgow, and a national body, Interfaith Scotland, which carry on the work begun by her over fifty years ago. The seeds that Stella sowed then have borne fruit in a way that she probably would not have dreamed of. And for those of us who are reaping the benefits of those fruits and sowing our own seeds of understanding and cooperation, Stella still remains a source of inspiration and encouragement. Her life and influence are a good reminder that many of the seeds which we now sow can bear fruit in a way that we cannot imagine.

Stella Glasgow Herald 1981
Click to open an article on Stella from The Glasgow Herald, in 1981

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What if?

by Sr Isabel Smyth SND

Sr Maureen Cusick

There are some events in life that are of such significance that we can’t help asking ‘what if that had not happened?’ How differently would things have turned out. Such an event was a 20-minute meeting that a Jewish historian, Jules Isaac, had with Pope John XXIII in June 1959 that changed forever the relationship of the Catholic Church to the Jewish community. This changing relationship is a story of hope and transformation spelled out last week for the Scottish Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Interreligious Dialogue at their annual seminar, entitled ‘A Tale of Two Sisters: Church and Synagogue’ which was led by Sister Maureen Cusick, a Sister of Our Lady of Sion, a religious congregation that is committed to witnessing to God’s continued and faithful love for the Jewish people through education and dialogue.  

synagoguaWe began by reflecting on a series of illustrations of statues found in many medieval cathedrals around Europe, sometimes carved standing side by side, sometimes standing on either side of the entrance They depict two women. One is weak and drooping, blindfolded and carrying a broken lance with Torah scrolls that are often seen slipping from her hand. The other is strong, often wearing a crown and looking to the future with confidence and open eyes.  The blind woman represents the Synagogue, blind to the truth and now lost to salvation because the Jews rejected and crucified Jesus. The confident woman represents the Christian Church upon whom God has bestowed the promises God originally made to Israel so that Christians now possess the truth of salvation and have become God’s chosen ones, the new People of God.  One particularly horrendous statue is found in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris where the blindfold over the ‘Synagoga’ statue is in fact a snake with the implications that has for Judaism being under the sway of the devil.
These statues reflect the attitude of the Christian Church to Jews in medieval Europe and are indicative of a theological approach called supersessionism or replacement theology which is a belief that God has rejected the Jews because they rejected and crucified Jesus. God has now bestowed the promises he made to Israel on the Church that now becomes the New People of God. This theology is very influential. It can affect the way the Christian scriptures are interpreted. For example, in stories such as the wise virgins – the ones who are alert to the coming of the bridegroom are taken as representative of Christianity and the ones who slept and missed his coming taken as representative of Judaism. It influenced the prayer in Catholic churches on Good Friday which prayed for the conversion of the perfidious Jews. It influenced the tradition in the Sisters of Sion who daily prayed that God would forgive the Jews for the death of Jesus for they knew not what they did. It influenced the various pogroms and sermons forced on the Jews over the ages. It influenced the whole history of Christian antisemitism which the Vatican acknowledged was the seed bed in which the hatred that resulted in the Holocaust was able to flourish. It influenced the belief of some Christians that the State of Israel doesn’t have the right to exist. It is, I suspect, something that is deep in the psyche of both Christians and Jews and influences some of our interactions and maybe needs to be addressed at some point. Is there perhaps an incipient suspicion of Christianity on the part of Jews and an incipient superiority on the part of Christians?

Thank God that this attitude to Judaism and this theological approach has been acknowledged, dismissed and disowned by the Catholic Church in the Vatican II document on the Churches Relationship with People of Other Faiths. And it all came about because of that 20-minute interview that Jules Isaac had with Pope John XXIII.  Jules Isaac was a historian and educationalist who sought to understand the roots of antisemitism when he experienced the Nazi occupation of his native France. He wrote a book on Jesus and Israel as well as one on The Teaching of Contempt in which he showed that antisemitic interpretations of the scripture were a wrong understanding of the Gospel. It was the meeting with Pope John XXIII that led the Pope to put the Churches relationship to Judaism on the agenda of the Vatican Council and eventually led to Nostra Aetate, the Declaration on the Churches Attitude to Non-Christian Religions which was promulgated by Pope Paul VI in October 1965, two years after the death of Jules Isaac. Section 4 of the document which declares,” in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel’s spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone” brought about a profound change in the Church’s relations with Judaism. Indeed, Rabbi David Rosen says he knows of nothing else in history that has brought about such a profound change.  

And that brings us back to our original question. What if Jules Isaac had not visited Pope John XXIII? Would we still be promoting a replacement theology? What if Jules Isaac had not been for a walk when his wife and two children were taken by the Nazis and sent to Auschwitz? Would the Church have reflected on its teaching of contempt and still be antisemitic? Who knows. But we can be sure that Jules Isaac’s escape from the Nazis and his visit to the Pope were of such significance that they have changed the history  of Catholic – Jewish relations, hopefully forever. 

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